Friday, August 24, 2012

The 3 Most Popular Weight Loss Plans ? Do They Really Work

There are many diets out there and each one of them promises to help you loose a great amount of weight in less time. However, the question is which of them are really working. This is a list of the five most popular diets, which will show you which of them can help you to loose weight and which one will just waste your time and energy.

1. The Atkins diet - This Diet requires you to eat fewer carbohydrates and increase your intake of protein. In the first week, you will not be allowed to eat any Carbs at all, while in the next 2 weeks the amount of Carbs is slowly increased. It is very hard for most people to stay away from Carbs, which means any kind of sugar, bread, rice, pasta, etc but it?s definitely worth the effort.

The downside of this diet is that it?s very strict and as soon as you start to eat normal, you will gain some weight back.

2. The cabbage soup diet - This diet plan is popular since many years and many people tend to it when they want to loose a few pounds. It is very uncomplicated, as you simple aren?t allowed to eat much more than cabbage soup. There are a few different versions of this diet but all of them require you to eat cabbage soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Every day you can eat something else in addition to the soup; for example, some fruits, one potato or some brown rice.

It effectively reduces your weight in less time. The negative aspect however is that once you quit the diet, you might gain the weight back, if you continue to eat like before.

3. The South Beach Diet - This diet plan aims to replace bad Carbs and Fats with good ones. It is made of three phases. The first phase lasts only 1 week and in this time, you will have to delete all foods that contain processed Carbs and sugar as well as fruits and some vegetables, from your diet plan. The 2nd phase lasts as long as you want to loose weight and it allows you to eat fruits, vegetables and some whole grain foods.

The 3rd phase starts when you reached your target weight and lasts for life. In this phase, there are no clear rules but you are expected to keep away from processed Carbs and sugars as much as possible. This Diet is probably the best of Diet in this List as it encourages you to life a healthy life even after attaining your ideal weight. This prevents gaining the weight back and keeps you healthy.

About the Author

Read related articles about African mango diet, african mango plus and quick trim reviews.

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