Saturday, September 1, 2012

What Internet Marketers Must Know About Customer Service | Home ...

by Patrick Lynch.

How do most people decide how they feel about shopping at any store? Most people would answer that it has to do with the people they encounter there and the overall level of customer service! Many of your decisions about giving your business to various service providers, retail shops or places where you eat are probably determined by the level of customer service you get from them. Internet marketers have a tendency to ignore or downplay the importance of customer service in making them successful. The need to provide good customer service is not any less important online than anywhere else, even if your customers can?t actually see you on the internet! If want to learn how to provide good customer service, these tips will help you get started.

Get a mailing address from each of your buyers and then, after they have purchased something from you, send them a handwritten note thanking them for their business. Of course, this could only be feasible if you have a smaller business. However, when you are operating a small business these are the things that will get you noticed. When your customers receive your handwritten note, they will feel like you care about them personally and will think of you the next time they need the type of service you offer. The best thing about this is, it won?t take you long at all to write down a simple thank you note. However, this simple act could net you bundles of return customers.

It?s good to allow your customers to call you on the phone or write to you by mail, especially if your business is small and provides a service. It isn?t hard to get a mailing address for this purpose, such as a rented post office box. Skype is also very popular today, as well as cheap. Having such a presence offline will make people trust you more, especially if they can easily reach you on the phone or by Skype calls. You can, like a regular business, have set hours when you answer the phone; make sure you post these online. If you are at your computer during these hours, it will be easy to talk to anyone who calls. Having this kind of offline presence will probably help your business, as many people like to feel they are talking to an actual person and not just responding to impersonal sales letters.

Make sure you offer support for your products or services. The technical abilities of your customers will vary. Some will really struggle with computer use. You?ll keep your customers very happy when you offer free support to those who ask for it. They?ll be much more likely to recommend you to their associates. Good customer service is what drives word of mouth business. By offering free support for your products and services, customers see that you care about more than just how much money you make. This will increase your business.

There are quite a few ways internet marketers can display good customer service to their website visitors and buyers. You have to get past the myth that customer service is something only traditional businesses have to worry about. This cannot be ignored by anyone who wants his customers to keep returning. People like to be treated with respect. When it comes down to it, that?s what customer service is all about, simply giving customers a positive and satisfactory shopping experience. This is mostly common sense, and not hard to practice!

We have only provided an introduction along with several solid applications utilizing the principles of social commissions.


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