Saturday, September 22, 2012

Complete Guide on Exercise Programs and Health Habits in ...

Reducing Heart Disease Risk

Reducing Heart Disease Risk

Before you are at risk for heart disease or a heart attack, you should take the necessary steps to lead a healthy lifestyle. There are ways you can begin to reduce your risk of heart disease. Before you begin making any drastic changes in your life, you should consult your physician so they will be aware of your changes and help guide you. Before you try taking medications to alter your health, you should try the natural approach. You can control almost every factor of your health with the exception of your gender, family history and age. Other than those factors, you have complete control.

When you begin making these healthy changes you need to understand that these changes are going to make you feel better and need to be adopted for a lifetime. There are several factors such as your diet, physical activity; losing weight and quitting smoking that can help you achieve better health. These are lifestyle changes that can help you turn your life around.

Healthy Eating

One of the very first steps you can take is to eat healthy. This sounds very simple, but in many cases it is about being rational and training your brain and taste buds to accept healthy foods as your basis for nutrition. Typically this means introducing more whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits into your diet.

Keep saturated and Trans fat to a minimum. Meats, baked goods, fried foods, dairy products and processed food tend to carry high amounts of these types of fat. These foods tend to raise your bad cholesterol levels. Instead replace them with omega-3 fatty acids found in olive oil and fish. Omega-3 fatty acids can lower your risk of a heart attack and help the prevention of blood clots.

Fiber is very important and can be found in vegetables, fruits and whole grains. When you make your diet a mainstay of such vitamin rich foods you can reduce your LDL cholesterol level and protect your heart. It is also advisable to lower the amount of sugar and salt you consume. The less salt you consume, the better your blood pressure levels remain and reducing the amount of sugar you eat can help you lose weight and control diabetes.

Great Exercise Programs

Exercise is an important key to losing weight, as well as maintaining it. It is not necessary to become an athlete to live a healthy life. When you adopt a sixty minute exercise routine a week, you are helping yourself become physically fit and preventing bad health too. You can join gyms that offer moderate aerobic workout programs with professionals that can make sure you do the exercises properly and do not harm yourself. If you are severely overweight or already have a heart problem, then it is advised that you start very slow and keep your physician informed of your progress and listen to their advice.

In order to see major changes you should exercise for at least two and a half hours every week. The type of exercise that is best for you is a moderately intense aerobic workout. You can also reduce the amount your exercise to an hour and fifteen minutes a week if you increase your workout to an intense and vigorous aerobic activity. All of this information thus far is regarding adults without heart disease.

Quit Smoking

Smoking raises your risk for heart disease. If you are a current smoker, then talk to your physician about products that may help you stop smoking. There are even classes available that can help you curb your nicotine addiction. Second hand smoke should be avoided at all costs, as well. Smoking can be a very addictive habit. You will need the support of your friends and family in order to stop.

Shelly is a professional blogger. She has written many articles and blogs on Health and Nutrition to educate people about Designer Glasses. She believes that sharing the knowledge with others can help them in many ways.
Complete Guide on Exercise Programs and Health Habits in Reducing Heart Disease Risk

This site is for information and support only and NOT a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment!


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