Sunday, March 4, 2012

Heart health month at SCSU ? The Southern News

Heart health month at?SCSU

Posted by Southern News on March 3, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

Sean Meenaghan ? Photo Editor

Doreen Kordorsky, dietitian, informs students about nutrition during the heart health fair.


Students who start to take steps to be healthier in their lives now will reap the benefits of a healthier lifestyle in the future, said Jessica Scibek, assistant director for the Fitness Center.

?It?s what you do now that will decrease your heart risk factors for tomorrow,? she said.

Recently, Southern?s Adanti Student Center was host to the Heart Health Fair. The fair promoted and educated students on ways to be more heart-conscious.

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women, Tiara Willie said, graduate intern for the Multicultural Center.

?The rates for heart disease are even higher for African Americans and Latinos,? Willie said.

According to Carly Wieland from the Counseling Services Center, a normal hug can make anyone feel better?so can a heart hug.

?If you raise your left arm instead of your right and give a hug, it is called a heart hug,? said Wieland. ?It is a type of hug that lets your hearts physically connect with someone.?

Doreen Kordorsky, registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator, said during the fair that she would target things students can do nutritionally to be more heart healthy on campus.

?My healthy plate? included various types of plastic foods that Kordorsky brings with her to events. She asks students to make meals out of the plastic food she provides that the students think are nutritional and healthy. Kordorsky then shows students where they are making mistakes in their meals or what they should eat more of.

?My healthy plate,? said Kordorsky, ?is something I can use to show students actual portion sizes and good foods to eat.?

Connecticut Hall provides healthy picks, which are signs next to food choices giving information about what students are choosing to eat.

?People have to look hard for good sources of nutrition; it?s tough but students can find the nutritional value in food on campus,? said Kordorsky. ?At the omelet station get less cheese, more veggies and a dry pan instead of a pan full of oil.?

Kordorsky is in the process of making a video to show students what and what not to eat at places on campus like Connecticut Hall and the Student Center. The video will be played on Southern?s television channel 714.

Kordorsky said that if students eat healthy and exercise more, they will be at a lower risk for heart disease.

?Not exercising is a risk for heart health,? said Scibek.

The Fitness Center is hosting a 30-minute jump rope class for students, said Scibek, that is completely free and students do not have to be members of the gym to take the class.

?To jump rope,? said Scibek, ?you just need an open space.?

Students have to make sure that they are taking part in purposeful exercise because exercise done wrong will not help students in the long run said Scibek.

The Fitness Center handed out tape measures as well so students can measure the circumference of their waist.

?It?s something simple that students can do on their own to see if they?re at risk,? said Alexandra Gil, graduate intern for the fitness center.

Scibek said exercise is a tool that students can use to reach their own personal goals.

?Things you?re doing now and not doing now will affect your heart health and could put you at risk,? said Scibek.

It becomes tough for students to stick to their workout routines, said Scibek, because they want instant results.

?Most things to become healthier are ?don?t eat that,? ? she said. ?But with exercise, you are adding something to your routine, not eliminating it.?


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