Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Biggest Announcement in 7 Years | Matt About Money

In the summer of 2005, sensing God?s call to have me write and speak about biblical money management full-time, and with the strong support of my amazing wife, Jude, I left a well-paid corporate job to follow that call.? It?s been one of the greatest adventures of our lives.

Along the way, Jude and I have done our best to hold this work with open hands, eager to do what God asks of us and to have the greatest possible impact.

Last summer, we started sensing that God may be redirecting our path.? At the end of the year, clarity came in the form of some conversations with Sound Mind Investing (SMI) Executive Editor Mark Biller, which ultimately led to our decision to have me join SMI?s staff.? My first official day was April 2nd.

Who Is Sound Mind Investing?

Sound Mind Investing was founded by Austin Pryor in 1990 to help Christians make biblically informed financial decisions that enable them to provide for their families and generously support God?s work.

The core work of Sound Mind Investing involves publishing a monthly investment newsletter that provides specific investment advice as well as articles about biblical money management, various practical personal finance topics, and Christian living.? SMI also publishes two blogs ? a Member?s Blog for paid newsletter subscribers and a Visitor?s Blog.

Austin is also the author of The Sound Mind Investing Handbook, one of the best books I?ve read on biblical money management.? It has sold over 100,000 copies and is now in its fifth edition.

I have known about Austin for most of the 20-plus years that I?ve been involved in stewardship ministry, and I?ve always held him in the highest regard.

Austin was a good friend of the late Larry Burkett.? In fact, it was Larry who suggested that Austin begin publishing a financial newsletter for Christians.

I finally met Austin a couple of months ago when he invited Jude and me to come to Louisville for a visit.? We were inspired by our time with Austin and his wife, Susie.? The depth of their faith and their commitment to make a difference in other people?s lives were very obvious.? As we got to know them, along with other members of the staff team, we sensed that a far greater impact could be made by having me join SMI than I could have writing and speaking on my own.

I am very excited about and feel truly honored to be joining SMI.

What Will This Mean For MattAboutMoney.com?

I will continue posting new content on MattAboutMoney.com through the end of this month.? Then I plan to discontinue the blog, although all of the existing content will remain accessible probably for another couple of months.

Beginning May 1st, I plan to import all Matt About Money subscribers into the subscription list for the Sound Mind Investing Visitor?s Blog where I will be writing articles similar to what I?ve been writing.? In addition, the SMI Visitor?s Blog will continue carrying articles from Austin, Mark Biller, and others.

You can easily opt out.? However, I believe you?ll find plenty of reasons to stick around and I hope you will.

Some Prayer Requests

The decision to join SMI will come with changes that go beyond my daily work.? We plan to move to Louisville as soon as we can sell our house in the Chicago area.

At first, we talked about having me work from home.? However, it quickly became clear that I needed to be in the office in order to build relationships with the rest of the team and have the greatest impact.

The idea of moving was the most challenging aspect of this decision.? We are blessed to live five doors away from Jude?s brother, his wife, and their two children.? Our nephew and niece are similar in age to our three children.? The idea of altering these relationships weighed heavily on us, leading to some sleepless nights, many tears, and a whole lot of prayer.

However, our commitment is to follow God?s call.? And while He doesn?t exactly send e-mails with explicit directions, we strongly sensed that the opportunity to join SMI is part of His plan, and not just for my work.? We trust that it is part of His plan for our family and our extended family as well.

Still, we would appreciate your prayers for this transition ? that we would find a great church, great schools, a great neighborhood, and great relationships in Louisville, and that God would comfort all of us in the loss of no longer being able to do life with relatives who are also close friends.

Thank You

With all of the many voices clamoring for attention in our world, I consider it a great honor that you have chosen to subscribe to my blog.? And I would consider it an equal honor if you will stick with me as I make this transition to Sound Mind Investing.

Again, you won?t have to actually do anything in order for that to happen.? I will transfer you to the SMI Visitor?s Blog subscriber list at the end of this month.? So I?ll see you here through the end of this month, and I look forward to seeing you there starting on May 1st.

?For I know the plans I have for you,? declares the LORD, ?plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.? ? Jeremiah 29:11

Categories: Faith & Finances

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