Saturday, August 27, 2011

Effective Email Deliverability Suggestions for Your Online Business

Article by Joe Langdon

Even though Facebook and Twitter have grown in popularity as communication tools, online marketers still regard email marketing to be an important tool. The effectiveness of email can be contributed to the fact that almost everyone uses it daily, so finding ways to leverage it properly can mean huge increases in your conversion rates, your sales and your profits. You also have the opportunity to create a relationship with the people on your mailing list. However, all your email marketing efforts can prove to be fruitless if your emails aren?t getting delivered, which is why it?s important to focus on this one factor. In the following article we shall be looking into three effective tips on how to increase your email deliverability rates.

Don?t make the mistake of writing your emails the same way as a spammer. Spammers write their emails using a specific style that aims at attracting attention. They know they have to do this because they are sending emails out randomly to strangers. So try to avoid using a lot of CAPS or exclamation points. Spam filters are getting smarter each day, which means you?ll need to get smarter and take enough precautions to make sure your emails are safely delivered without much problem. Normally, if you?re sending out a regular email, it shouldn?t get blocked. But if it?s a promotional email containing a message that looks like spam then you might get blocked.

HTML emails are known to get a higher response rate but at the same time they can be mistaken for spam, which is why you should focus on sending out both versions of email, text and HTML. This ensures that subscribers get what they really want and that your emails aren?t blackballed. Another way for subscribers to access your HTML emails is to have them follow a link to a site where the email is actually located from a text email you send out. When dealing with the problem, this method is safer and more effective.

In order to check if your emails are safe against a spam counter, use a tool like SpamAssassin. This free tool can check through your emails to see if anything needs to be amended or altered. It tells you what words or phrases are likely to be picked up by spam filters before you send your message out so you can change it first. In conclusion, this article shows us how to be good email marketers and how to avoid spam traps. It is not difficult, but common sense to use these suggestions when starting an email marketing campaign. Once your subscribers start to regularly receive your emails without being blocked, your response rate will increase. You will be able to get a whole lot more out of your emails campaign then.


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