Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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Something new for Singapore's pampered pets: obituaries

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Grieving pet owners in Singapore, known for lavishing care in life on their animals, can soon share their feelings about furred family members after they pad off to the great beyond - via obituaries in the city-state's largest newspaper.

From Sunday, The Straits Times pets section will let pet owners publish goodbye messages to their favorite non-human companions along with an accompanying photo.

The memorials will be part of a "pets' corner" in the paper's classifieds section, along with notices by the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and other animal groups about pets available for adoption.

The decision to market obituaries to pet owners in tiny Singapore, one of the world's richest countries in terms of per capita income, comes as wealthy Asians have fewer kids and shower more attention on pets.

Though dogs and cats once roamed free around neighborhoods in Singapore, pet owners today are extremely protective of their pets. In addition, the 80 percent of the population that lives in government-run flats is restricted to just one dog, of a small breed.

Research firm Euromonitor, in a recent report on Singapore's pet care market, said people are spending more on premium pet food as well as accessories such as strollers for dogs and designer pet clothing.

"Many pet owners are increasingly treating their pets as household members and are therefore pampering their pets with luxurious food, products and services, just as they would dote on their family," it said.

"This trend led to a shift in consumer spending towards premium categories, such as premium pet food, hence driving growth in the pet care market."

Needless to say, the obituaries too are not free - they will each run S$50 ($40.96), with a goods and services tax of 7 percent on top of that. ($1 = 1.2208 Singapore dollars)

(Reporting by Kevin Lim, editing by Elaine Lies)


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The Second Creation of Jesus Christ: Interview with Frank Viola Part 2

Yesterday I posted the first part of my interview with Frank Viola about his new book, coauthored with Leonard Sweet, called Jesus: A Theography. Frank blogs for Patheos, and the book has received a strongly positive response. Interested readers can get a free copy of Frank?s next book by?going here, and they can learn more about?Jesus: A Theography here.


The life of Jesus, as you say, encompasses not only those 33 years or so of his earthly life and ministry but all of time and space, and indeed stands even outside time and space. So Genesis 1 and 2, whatever else they might say regarding the creation, tell us something about God?s?Logos?and God?s redemptive plan. Tell us a bit of what you have to say on Genesis 1 and 2?

We dedicate two long chapters to unearthing the shadows contained in Genesis 1 and 2 and their fulfillment in Christ. Here?s a very brief snapshot of some of the points we unravel and expound in the book:

  • Genesis 1 opens the same way that John 1 does. ?In the beginning . . . ? This is no accident.
  • The two chapters also use the same language. In Genesis 1, it?s ?the first day . .? . ?the second day . . .?, etc. In John 1, it?s ?on the next day . . . and the next day . . ., etc.?
  • On the first day in Genesis 1 we have Light being called forth out of darkness. In John 1, Jesus is said to be ?the Light that shines in the darkness.? John is the new Genesis. We demonstrate in our book that John is telling the story of the?new?creation. Paul alluded to Christ being the Light on the first day also when he wrote in 2 Corinthians, ?God who commanded light to shine out of darkness . . . has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.?
  • On the third day of creation, we have the first appearance of life. It is life that emerges out of the sea. Jesus Christ, the Life, arises out of death on the third day. All throughout the Bible, ?the third day? represents resurrection. The NT writers say that Jesus would rise again from the dead on the third day ?according to the Scriptures.? They were referring to these references to the third day, which begins in Genesis 1.
  • The seventh day, of course, is the Sabbath. But in Colossians 2, Paul tells us that the reality of the Sabbath is Christ Himself, our true Rest. The writer of Hebrews alludes to the same thing in Hebrews 4. In our book, we show how each day of creation points to Christ and we give the corresponding references in the NT.
  • In Genesis 2, we have a gripping scene. God says that it?s not good for Adam to be alone. So puts the first man into a deep sleep. And out of Adam?s side, He brings forth a woman . . . a bride. She, who was once in Adam?s side, now becomes one with him. In John, God puts His Son into the deepest sleep of all . . . the sleep of death. And when Jesus is dead, His side is opened and from it pours water and blood. Then, at His resurrection, Jesus becomes a ?life giving Spirit? and imparts His life into His disciples. And they ? collectively ? are later called the body of Christ and the bride of Christ. In Ephesians 5, Paul tells us that the Genesis story is a ?great mystery.? Because it doesn?t just speak of the first man and the first woman. It speaks of Christ and the church. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15 that Jesus is the ?second Man? and the ?last Adam.? In Romans 5, Paul says that Adam prefigures Jesus. The church was ?in Christ before the foundation of the world? just as Eve was in Adam before she emerged. Water in the NT represents the cleansing of God?s Word and blood represents redemption and forgiveness. So Christ?s death, the appearance of the Bride of Christ (which is ?one body? with Jesus), redemption and cleansing are all prefigured in Genesis 2.
  • In addition, in John 12, Jesus said that if a grain of wheat falls into ground alone, it will die (God said it?s not good for man to be alone). But if the grain of wheat dies, it will be ?fruitful and multiply? and bear many grains like unto itself. Jesus is the reality of the one grain who died and who has, in His resurrection, brought forth many grains like unto Himself. This principle is also prefigured in Genesis 1 and 2.
  • Finally, if you read the first two chapters of Genesis and the last two chapters of Revelation, you?ll be fascinated to find that there are over 30 parallels between each chapter. The NT shows us that all of these parallels . . . the tree of life, the flowing river, the garden, gold, pearl, and precious stone, the command to ?eat freely? (Genesis) and ?drink freely? (Revelation), the city, the marriage, the bride, the bridegroom, all point to Jesus Christ and God?s eternal purpose in Him. I?m just scratching the surface in these examples as there?s so much more to it, and we cover those things in the book.

Christ?s story and the story of this world overlap, yet the story of this world is only a part of the Son?s story. ?So what is the final chapter in the story of?this present?world and what role does Christ play in it?

We begin the book before time (where the Son?s story begins) and we conclude the book when time ends (where the Son?s story is consummated). Thus we explore and revisit the second coming of Christ and the whole matter of eschatology. NT scholar Craig Keener read the entire manuscript before we published it and made the remark that the chapter on the second coming was his favorite. We take dead aim at a few popular theories on the return of Jesus and put them to rest in a way that?s subtle yet effective.

In short, the ?end of time? will look very similar to ?before time.? In the beginning, God was All. In the end, He will be All in All. And Christ will fill all things, as Paul says in Ephesians. The two bookends of the Bible ? Genesis 1 & 2 and Revelation 21 & 22 ? tell the breathtaking story. We unravel the themes in those four chapters and trace them throughout the OT and NT. This makes for an epic saga of God?s ultimate intention to get us back to the Garden and fulfill the timeless purpose for which we were created. It is what Paul calls ?the eternal purpose,? which is the grand narrative of the entire Bible. And I?ve treated that in detail in another volume called?From Eternity to Here.


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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Instagram courts hardcore photography fans with new filter and improved editing features

If you're not already aware of the bull-headed CIA agent whose persist pressure to track Al Qaeda couriers helped lead the way to bin Laden's compound, you're about to be. The main character of?Zero Dark Thirty, the soon-to-be released Oscar bait that portrays the story of the Bin Laden raid, is based on said agent, "is based on a real person" whose identity remains classified as she's still working for the CIA. Things at Langley haven't been going so well for said secret, soon-to-be an anonymous celebrity spy, though. ...


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Video: Sen. Hatch on Chances of Reaching Debt Deal

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Swedish firm aims to honour Sage of Omaha in rock

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - A small Swedish financial firm has decided to honour U.S. investment guru Warren Buffett by arranging for an inscription of his words to be carved into rock, the company said on Tuesday.

Buffett is nicknamed the Sage of Omaha for his financial acumen and is one of the world's richest men as head of conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway.

The inscription is being paid for by Swedish investment company Spiltan and will be carved in rock on the southwest coast of the Nordic state.

It will say, "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get", and reflects Buffett's investment philosophy.

The inscription will be in place early next year, Spiltan chief executive Per Borjesson told Reuters.

Borjesson said he has long been an admirer of Buffett and believed the American should win a Nobel Prize for economics, even if he is not an academic. Arranging to set up a stone inscription was a way to make an award to Buffett, he said.

The company which does the stone inscriptions is owned by one of the shareholders of Spiltan, Borjesson added.

(Reporting by Patrick Lannin, editing by Paul Casciato)


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Monday, December 10, 2012

iStock Tools / Apps: LiveStock - an iStock contributor app for your Android phone

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Posted Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:48AM

Updated: 2012-12-08 new version (2.11.11) available via the Android Market/Google Play

You can follow for LiveStock-related announcements.


Are there any contributors out there with an Android-based phone?

I've written a little app which lets you keep watch on your account and notify you of sales. It also shows you assorted statistics, sales details, and lets you read your iStock sitemail. It's free.

I have no plans to write a version for other platforms - sorry iPhone, Blackberry, Palm Pre, Windows Phone users.

Login Screen screenshot on phones from version 2.11.8

Main Screen screenshot on tablets from version 2.11.2

Main Screen screenshot on phones from version 2.11.2

Monthly Stats View screenshot from version 2.11.2

Yearly Stats View screenshot from version 2.11.2

Sitemail View screenshot from version 2.6.16

Getty Images and Partner Program Recent Sales View screenshot from version 2.10.8

Home Screen Widgets screenshot on phones from version 2.11.8: 4x2, 2x2 and 2x1 widgets

It is available (for free!) from the Android Market. Just start the Market application on your phone and search for Livestock.
Or if you have a barcode scanner on your phone, just scan this:

As for privacy, you can be assured that I have no interest in you or your data . Here's the full LiveStock Privacy Policy.

The current version is 2.11.11 (as of 8th December 2012).

Edited to refer to the latest version.

(Edited on 2012-12-08 12:22:57 by theasis)

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Posted Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:41AM

Updated LiveStock to correctly track Dollar Bin sales.

Edited to remove obsolete (and misleading) information.

(Edited on 2009-05-29 02:02:15 by theasis)

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Posted Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:41AM

Updated to give better information (size and royalty earned) for recent sales.

Because this involves scraping data from more webpages, the very first time you run the application it will spend quite a while in the "Talking to iStock: Gathering data..." phase.? How long depends on quite a few factors including, of course, how good a signal your phone has and whether it's connected by 2G, 3G or Wifi.? Best to set it running and go make yourself a sandwich and a cup of tea (or a pie and a pint if that's more your thing).? Subsequent refreshes will be much faster (unless you have hundreds of sales and don't refresh for days).

Edited to remove obsolete screenshot.

(Edited on 2009-05-29 02:01:17 by theasis)

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Posted Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:29PM

i really thank you for writing this app, finally somthing for the G1, but anyway im visiting the page from my phone but cant find any application link!! is it deactivated, the page i see is exactly like the one on my PC no difference..

maybe im missing something..

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Posted Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:10AM

Hi there
Posted By thesuperph:

i really thank you for writing this app, finally somthing for the G1, but anyway im visiting the page from my phone but cant find any application link!! is it deactivated, the page i see is exactly like the one on my PC no difference..

maybe im missing something..

That's odd. I just checked with my phone to make sure that it is still active and all looks fine. I took a look through the web logs and I don't see any Android browsers connecting for the last couple of days. My first thought was that you might be using one of the 3rd party browsers that are in beta-test, but I don't see any connections from them, either. Do you remember roughly what day and time you looked with your phone's browser (and what timezone you're in!) because I'd really like to get to the bottom of it if there's a problem on the server.
However, on a different that I have an API key from istock, I'm completely rewriting the application. It might be worth holding off for a little while whilst I knock it into shape.

Thanks a lot for your interest,

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Posted Sat Dec 20, 2008 3:06PM

well im checking now at this moment and only from my G1.. you can get the time from this post time..

still the same thing (i refreshed three times), also the browser that i use is the default built in one..


anyway i think the best thing o do is to wait for your newer one really thanx again for your effort

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Posted Mon Dec 22, 2008 5:53AM

Thanks for trying again. My best guess is that there's a cache somewhere between your phone and the livestock webserver and it's feeding you old pages. My phone doesn't seem to give me a cached page, so I wonder if it's a difference between the USA and UK services, or if you're on some non-standard service.

When I have a stable version of the app I'll submit it to the Android Marketplace (it'll still be free) and any such problems should go away. Sorry that it's being a pain for you in the meantime

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Posted Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:13PM

i have it now installed on my G1.. bugs are there but its cool to have something IS related on my mobile

ill be waiting for the final version, and thanks alot for your efforts..

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Posted Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:28AM

Is this still in the works?? This would be especially useful now that the iStock page is slightly mangled in the Android browser (the main toolbar gets wrapped around under the search bar).

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Posted Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:29AM

Development of LiveStock is on hold for the time being. I'm hoping to put some time aside in the next few weeks in order to knock it into a decent shape.

If I don't find time to do that, I'll put out the version that's currently on my phone. This doesn't do much more than let you know you've had a sale and what you've earned.

Sorry for the delay on this - real life sometimes gets in the way

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Posted Tue Apr 7, 2009 11:49AM

Any update on this interesting project? Is real life still in the way?

Thanx for your effort.


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Posted Thu Apr 9, 2009 4:12AM

Posted By Mac99:

Is real life still in the way? ;-)

Heh - actually, the reasons for delay have changed somewhat. The chap in the Glasgow store where I got my phone told me that I was one of the first people to get a G1 from them, and that I was definitely the first to bring one in for repair. I don't expect it back for at least another couple of weeks...hopefully I can then make some more progress.

Thanks for the patience!

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Posted Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:29AM

A positive update, at last.
My G1 has been repaired and returned. I'm re-implementing LiveStock, building on what I learned about programming for the G1 first time around. I'm planning on releasing an alpha version of LiveStock2 in the next few days:
- the new version will be simpler than the old version to avoid using up the G1's resources so quickly - this should result in fewer bugs and better battery life;
- I'll be releasing through the Android Market rather than my own web pages - that means installing and upgrading between versions will be more straightforward. I understand that it takes a little while for an application to work its way through the Market after release, so I'll not announce its availability until it's actually visible.

Thanks for your patience!

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Posted Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:02AM

I'm happy to announce that a new version of LiveStock is now available.
It is available (for free!) from the Android Market. You'll find it in the Market in Applications->Tools, or just search for "livestock".

The current version is 2.0.14 alpha (as of 17 April 2009); this is a complete rewrite of the previous version of the application. Although it is usable and, I think, useful, I'd like to stress that this should be considered alpha quality software.

I am aware of a few flaws. In particular, the first time you run it it can take a long time to pull some of your information from the istock servers. This pull really should happen in a background thread - because it doesn't, your phone may warn you that LiveStock is taking a long time to respond. If that happens, just touch the "Wait" button. This is the item highest on my priority list to fix.

The first time you run it, it will ask you to enter your istock login details. I strongly recommend that you touch the "Test" button before saving so that LiveStock can attempt a connection to the iStock servers to check you entered them correctly.

The main screen will display some current stats and your most recent downloads.

From the main screen, just touch the refresh button and it will pull your current details from istock.

This is still an early version and there are many things I want to improve and features I want to add. First on the list of things to fix is the horrible delay the first time you pull data from istock. The next most important feature is to make LiveStock run as a service so that it automatically pulls data from istock at regular intervals. Once that is done, it will be able to notify you as sales happen.

Of course, this isn't istock-supported software so please direct your complaints, plaudits, requests, rants, bug reports, etc to me either in this thread or via sitemail.


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Posted Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:15PM

Oh wow i just found it in the market browsing recent apps!
I have not read this thread before but i was looking for such an app.

It works really good THANK YOU!
You've made the G1 a much more interesting phone

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Posted Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:13AM

I've just pushed a new version (2.0.15) to the Market. If you look for Livestock in the market and you already have 2.0.14 installed, you will be given the option to update.

The main change in 2.0.15 is that the disturbing silence (or even more disturbing Force Close/Wait dialog) when refreshing the list of recent downloads is now replaced by a progress indicator - no more wondering whether or not there's anything happening. A lesser, but related, change is that there is now a "Refresh recent DLs" option from the Menu button to force an update of the recent downloads list.

Please let me know if these changes don't seem to work for you, or if other issues appear.

The current plan is for the next release to run as a service and automatically inform you of sales - no more having to hit Refresh.

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Posted Thu May 7, 2009 9:45AM

I'm pleased to announce that I've just pushed a new version (v2.1.0) of LiveStock to the Android Market. If you search for Livestock in the market on your Android phone you have the option to install or, if you have an earlier version installed already, to upgrade.

There are a number of changes in this release:
- the list of recent downloads does not update automatically. You can request an update simply with MENU->Refresh Recent DLs. This was made manual as updating the DL list involves a fair amount of network traffic which helps run down your phone's battery.
- you don't need to request that Livestock checks to see if you've had a sale. Instead it runs in the background and automatically checks for any changes to your balance. If your balance changes, you get a notification. (But see my note below!)
- a few minor cosmetic changes.
- quite a few small bugs have been squashed.

Automatic Checks
Every 20 minutes or so, LiveStock will check to see if your balance has changed. If it does change, LiveStock posts a notification.


If your phone is in sleep-mode (i.e. when the screen has blanked), LiveStock will not wake the phone to check the balance. Waking the phone seems to be relatively power-hungry and it runs the battery down far too quickly. I hope to improve this in future. However, if some other application wakes the phone then LiveStock will take the opportunity to do its checks.

I hope you like the changes. Please do let me know of any bugs or strange experiences, or feature requests you may have.

Edit: I should add, this has been tested on both the older version of Android (1.1) and the new "cupcake" release (1.5).


(Edited on 2009-05-07 10:08:02 by theasis)

Member is a Diamond contributor and has 25,000 - 199,999 Photo downloadsMember is a  contributor and has more than 0 Logo downloadsMember is a contributor and has less than 250 Flash downloadsMember is a contributor and has less than 250 Illustration downloadsExclusive

Posted Tue May 12, 2009 4:01AM


Most of the time if i open your app it says "stats updated" and if i close it and then open it it will give the new stats. I have never seen a notification about automatic stats update after 20 minutes. It only gives this message if i have the app opened. Am i missing something?

I love this app! thanks for your hard work.


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Posted Tue May 12, 2009 5:27AM

Hi Michel
Thanks for the feedback.
Posted By micheldenijs:

Most of the time if i open your app it says "stats updated" and if i close it and then open it it will give the new stats. I have never seen a notification about automatic stats update after 20 minutes. It only gives this message if i have the app opened. Am i missing something?

Hmmm...I've seen the same thing some days, but not always. In a future version I'll try triggering the notifications a different way and see if that helps.

If I can get to the bottom of it, I'll put out a new version in the next couple of days. If I can't find the problem immediately, it will probably be a couple of weeks before I put out a new version due to other commitments.

Many thanks for the report!

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Posted Wed May 27, 2009 5:09AM

I've completely rewritten the automated checking and it now works in a way that I think you'll like. The checking also does less processing, which means less drain on the battery. Which means LiveStock can now check for and notify you of sales even when the phone is sleeping.

I'll delay releasing it until after Thursday night's downtime just in case there are any site changes that would affect LiveStock.


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